Bass Gear

"Inspired by my hero, the late, great John Entwistle, I moved over to Ashdown Amplification around 2000 and haven't looked back since. " Ashdown amps give me my undisputed, big signature sound".

"I have owned and played a lot of different basses, but when it comes to hitting the stage or hunkering down in the studio, the basses I play most often are my Yamaha's". "To me they're the ultimate every bass, great for all styles". "I have a custom model based on Yamaha's venerable BB series". "When I need something even bigger sounding, I use Yamaha's "Billy Sheehan" model (mine have the addition of an additional reverse "P" pickup in the bridge position".

"No Roto's, no show!!!". "I haven't played or recorded with any other string since 1974, that's a fact!" "I started out on their "Flat Wounds" then moved on to the standard "Swing Bass" stainless steels". "Since the late 1980's, I've been using the "Billy Sheehan" signature set (see a pattern here?)". "They feel more balanced in my hands and that heavier E string really takes the hall!"

James & "Master Amp-smith" Ashdown Founder Mark Gooday
“My DiMarzio pickups provide a critical component to what I love in a great bass sound.
The Will Power™ series, which I use, are big and focused, provide rich harmonics, and can be undeniably brash ...a lot like me!”
Hipshot products are the best! I use them to upgrade all my instruments. The tuners are smooth and precise and I don't know what I'd do without the Bass Xtender. Tuned to low D and dropped down discriminately, it's a great way to go somewhere else at the flick of a switch!
Effects, you just can't have enough! Carl Martin pedals are at an echelon all their own. Made in Denmark and designed to the highest standard they are more then just a cool box on the floor. Here are my favorites...

Studio Gear
"Some effects are just venerable, that's my Cry Baby Bass Wah." "I've used many of MXR's expanding range over the years, they're a fantastic heritage brand that keep innovating while still delivering the classics!" ...the "Bass Octave Deluxe" is sublime... ...I take it along on fly gigs whenever I can't carry a 5-string"
I have these loaded in some of my Ashdown Cabs. Ashdown used these as stock on some of their models and I just fell in love with their tone!
After completing a video production for The Manley Core, I called up my buddy Rick over at Manley and said, "I have a problem, I can't return the Core, I've fallen in love with it and I can't give it back!" Bought it immediately after wrapping the shoot! Fantastic sound/quality at a great price!
Virtual Console Collection
Virtual Mix Rack
Virtual Bus Compressors
The most compelling reason I've found to mix inside the box! I can't say enough about these plug ins. They each add that undefinable "vibe", really feels like a big console! Check 'em out!
A composer friend turned me onto "Superior Drummer" a while back, I bought it immediately. It's just the thing for quick compositions when you can't get the drummer down to the studio. Amazingly deep kit construction. Easily some of the most convincing drum samples I've ever used. Since then I've gotten addicted to EZKeys and EZMix. Fantastic software tools!
Compressors, compressors, ...can you ever have enough? ...NO!! These are fantastic!
Built like bricks and wow, ...amazing sound and control. They emulate the fabled 1176 studio units. Makes just about anything I put through them huge but in a very musical way.
The "Compact Bass" has got a few additional tricks which really take my basses to a more prominant place. Have I gushed enough? Compressor fans, check these out, you won't regret it!
“When I discovered the iD22, I was amazed at how close it brought me to the professional studio experience”
The Hub of my recording studio are the fine products made by Audient. For my recording, mixing and mastering this equipment can't be beat!